Mission Statement

Gospel Broadcast Ministry is to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation by grace through faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ, through the means contemporary multi-media, missional projects, evangelistic meetings, and methodical Bible study.

This ministry has frequently been broadcasting on both radio and television since 1995, in such market places as Miami and Melrose in Florida, Queens and Long Island city in New York, and eastern Connecticut. The Gospel Broadcast Ministry has endeavored through preaching and teaching to win persons to the saving knowledge of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ. I Melvin C. Robinson am the initiator of this ministry. I did this on the urging of our Lord’s Great Commission, which commands his followers to, “Go into the word and make disciples of all nations”(Matthew 28:10). “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:16).

Since the time that Jesus ascended to heaven, His return to earth is imminent. We don’t know neither the day nor the hour of His return. One thing is certain , “Jesus Christ is coming back again’” (Acts 1:11). Therefore, Christian evangelism is urgent. Those of you who are saved and know Jesus Christ, please pray for this ministry that God’s Holy Spirit will convince and convert people to be saved.

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